Thursday 10 August 2017

Moving average ring buffer

Kelas menengah menyusut di wilayah metropolitan A. S.: 6 temuan utama Kelas menengah Amerika menyusut di tingkat nasional, seperti yang didokumentasikan dalam penelitian sebelumnya oleh Pew Research Center. Analisis baru kami atas data pemerintah menemukan bahwa kelas menengah juga kehilangan tempat di sebagian besar wilayah metropolitan di negara ini. Berikut adalah enam takeaway utama dari laporan baru: 1 Penurunan pangsa orang dewasa yang kelas menengah secara nasional juga terbukti merupakan fenomena lokal yang meluas dalam periode 2000 hingga 2014. Mempengaruhi masyarakat dari Boston ke Seattle dan dari Dallas ke Milwaukee , Pangsa orang dewasa yang tinggal di rumah tangga berpendapatan menengah turun di 203 dari 229 wilayah metropolitan AS yang diperiksa dari tahun 2000 sampai 2014. Dengan semakin sedikit orang Amerika di tingkat pendapatan menengah, tingkat ekonomi di atas dan di bawah telah tumbuh secara signifikan seiring waktu. Pangsa orang dewasa di tingkat pendapatan rendah naik di 160 wilayah, dan pangsa di tingkat pendapatan atas meningkat di 172 daerah. Tren ini tidak saling eksklusif, saham dewasa di tingkat bawah dan berpenghasilan tinggi meningkat di 108 wilayah metropolitan. 2 Bagian orang dewasa di tingkat pendapatan atas meningkat lebih dari sekadar pendapatan rendah di sekitar setengah wilayah metropolitan yang dianalisis. Di 229 daerah, orang dewasa lebih cenderung menaiki tangga pendapatan daripada turun di 119 daerah. Daerah yang mengalami kenaikan terbesar dalam status ekonomi dari tahun 2000 sampai 2014 adalah kelompok yang beragam, termasuk ekonomi berbasis energi seperti Midland, Texas yang merupakan wilayah berbasis pariwisata di Barnstable Town, Massachusetts dan daerah pengepakan daging di Amarillo, Texas. Namun pangsa pendapatan lebih rendah meningkat di 110 area. Daerah yang tergelincir paling dalam status ekonomi termasuk Goldsboro, North Carolina, dan Springfield, Ohio. Banyak dari area ini lebih bergantung daripada rata-rata manufaktur, namun faktor lain juga memainkan peran. 3 Secara nasional, pangsa orang dewasa di kelas menengah telah turun sejak tahun 2000 dan pangsa di tingkat bawah dan atas berpenghasilan telah meningkat. Mencerminkan efek kumulatif perubahan di tingkat lokal, pangsa nasional orang dewasa Amerika di rumah tangga berpendapatan menengah menurun dari 55 pada tahun 2000 menjadi 51 pada tahun 2014. Pada saat yang sama, pangsa orang dewasa di tingkat pendapatan atas meningkat dari 17 Sampai 20, dan pangsa orang dewasa di tingkat pendapatan rendah meningkat dari 28 menjadi 29. (Perkiraan nasional mencakup semua orang dewasa Amerika, tidak hanya di 229 wilayah metropolitan yang diperiksa secara lebih rinci.) 4 Rumah tangga di semua tingkatan ekonomi berpengalaman Hampir-universal menurun dalam pendapatan rata-rata di wilayah metropolitan AS. Rumah tangga berpenghasilan menengah kehilangan tempat finansial di 222 dari 229 wilayah metropolitan dari tahun 1999 sampai 2014. Sementara itu, orang-orang di tingkat berpenghasilan rendah melihat slip pendapatan rata-rata mereka di 221 daerah dan rumah tangga berpendapatan atas mengambil alih keuangan di 215 wilayah . 5 10 wilayah metropolitan dengan jumlah terbesar orang dewasa berpenghasilan menengah sebagian besar terletak di Midwest. Wausau, Wisconsin, memimpin berdasarkan hal ini, dengan 67 orang dewasa tinggal di rumah tangga berpendapatan menengah pada tahun 2014. Ini diikuti oleh Janesville-Beloit, Wisconsin (65). Di ujung lain skala di semua 229 daerah yang diperiksa adalah Monroe, Louisiana, di mana pangsa orang dewasa yang berpenghasilan menengah mencapai 42. Orang dewasa berpenghasilan menengah tidak memiliki mayoritas di 50 wilayah metropolitan pada tahun 2014. Wilayah Metropolitan dengan bagian atas terbesar Sebagian besar sahamnya sebagian besar berada di timur laut atau di pantai California, sementara 10 wilayah metropolitan dengan tingkat pendapatan rendah terbesar ada di barat daya. Beberapa di perbatasan dengan Meksiko. 6 Ada variasi penting dalam pendapatan rata-rata rumah tangga kelas menengah di seluruh wilayah metropolitan A. S. Pendapatan rata-rata rumah tangga kelas menengah berada di kisaran 70.000 sampai 75.000 di 138 dari 229 daerah, namun setinggi 81.283 di Racine, Wisconsin, dan serendah 64,549 di Hanford-Corcoran, California. Menurut definisi, rumah tangga kelas menengah memperoleh sekitar 42.000 sampai 125.000, namun dalam rentang ini, rumah tangga di suatu daerah mungkin berkerumun di dekat puncak atau ujung bawah. 229 wilayah metropolitan yang kami periksa, dari total 381 yang saat ini ditentukan oleh pemerintah federal, adalah data yang dapat diidentifikasi dalam dataset Biro Sensus yang tersedia untuk umum dan untuk data tersedia untuk kedua tahun 2000 dan 2014. Mereka menyumbang 76 dari Negara pada tahun 2014. Kami mendefinisikan rumah tangga berpendapatan menengah sebagai pendapatan rumah tangga tahunan dua pertiga untuk menggandakan rata-rata nasional setelah pendapatan disesuaikan dengan ukuran rumah tangga. Pada tahun 2014, ini berjumlah sekitar 42.000 sampai 125.000 per tahun untuk rumah tangga yang terdiri dari tiga orang. Rumah tangga berpendapatan rendah memiliki pendapatan kurang dari dua pertiga dari rata-rata dan rumah tangga berpendapatan atas memiliki pendapatan yang lebih dari dua kali lipat rata-rata. Pendapatan di setiap wilayah metropolitan disesuaikan dengan biaya hidup di daerah tersebut dibandingkan dengan biaya rata-rata nasional untuk hidup. Christchurch 4 September gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,1 skala Richter yang mematikan, melanda wilayah Christchurch melalui kesalahan pedalaman Darfield yang baru. Halaman di bawah ulasan edit. N. B. Penyelesaian kesalahan timur ini EVENT THESIS sekarang telah CONFIRMED: ChristchurchQuakeMap. co. nz ilmu visualisasi selang waktu Paul Nicholls Dr Mark Quigley Dosen Teknik Elektro Geomorfologi Ilmu Geologi Universitas Canterbury OCT. 20 GAYA HIDUP BUMI mov GNS Science article: 10 Sep 2010 - Kerusakan gempa Darfield Canterbury Informasi sejauh ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan sudah ada sebelumnya, dan sebuah patch telah diaktifkan kembali selama gempa Darfield. Kesalahan normal yang besar (sampai 700 km) dengan pemogokan (arahan) yang sama banyak terjadi di Chatham Rise, ke timur laut Semenanjung Banks. Perkiraan awal sinyal penerima GPS McQueens Valley (MQZG) menunjukkan perpindahan yang disebabkan oleh gempa menjadi 135 mm pada suhu sekitar 300 derajat azimut. Penerima permanen ini terletak di Semenanjung Banks. Hasil ini konsisten dengan gempa berkekuatan 7,1 pada kesalahan pemogokan vertikal di lokasi di mana ahli geologi telah menemukan permukaan yang pecah, namun hanya satu titik dan akan konsisten dengan banyak skenario lainnya serta juga gempa Darfield Gempa Gempa Bumi Gempa Christchurch Gempa Peta live memetakan quake. crowe. co. nz Peta Google untuk lokasi gempa (koordinat acara masukan) Gempa susulan telah stabil, kira-kira 2 jam pertama, berukuran 5,6 atau kurang dan pada pola teks yang berkurang. EQNZ Twitter Monitor Umpan menyegarkan otomatis eqnz tweets Gempa Geonet diperbarui. Untuk membandingkan eqnz tweets dengan tweet belakang yang masuk gempa Live Earthquakes Map globalincidentmap Earthquakes Geoscience Australia Grafik GNS: Mekanisme fokus gempa Darfield dan beberapa gempa susulannya, dan melihat perluasan di bawah Gempa Canterbury Multi Dewan Canterbury. org. nz Tautan ke instansi pemerintah pusat setempat lainnya. Mendukung orang-orang Canterbury saat mereka merespons gempa bumi tanggal 4 September 2010 di Canterbury, Selandia Baru berita blog Canterbury Earthquake. govt. nz Tautan ke instansi pemerintah pusat setempat yang lain mendukung tanggapan terhadap informasi penting Canterbury Canterbury Recover Canterbury Practical advice untuk membantu Anda. Bisnis pulih dari gempa Canterbury. Apa yang EQC tutupi Jaringan Pemulihan Gempa Bumi Masyarakat Canterbury Jaringan CanCERN dari Asosiasi Penduduk dan Kelompok Masyarakat dari lingkungan gempa yang terkena gempa di Canterbury Christchurch Earthquake Journal blog chcheqjournal dll Berbagai macam Goodies. blogspot Images Hal-hal dari Zone City, Christchurch NZ Gap Filler inisiatif regenerasi perkotaan yang kreatif Dimulai sebagai tanggapan atas gempa Canterbury Canterbury, ECan Canterbury, 1993/1997, ECem Canterbury Civil Emergency Management Group, CDEMCanterbury. govt. nz secara tragis berlapis sisi permukaan Bumi yang bergoyang 11ft ke kanan saat gempa Selandia Baru merobek garis kesalahan baru dailymail. co. uk 6Sep pix Gempa Canterbury mengklaim mencakup pemanasan baru yang efisien Orang-orang yang cerobong asapnya telah dirusak oleh gempa baru-baru ini dapat memilih untuk mengganti pembakar kayu lama mereka atau menyalakan api terbuka dengan sistem pemanas baru yang efisien dan biaya akan ditutup berdasarkan klaim mereka terhadap Komisi Gempa Bumi (Earthquake Commission) EQC) Energi Otoritas Efisiensi dan Konservasi EECA. govt. nz EarthquakeFIX. co. nz hanya menggunakan pedagang dan kontraktor yang kompeten dan berkualitas NoCowboys. co. nz Ahli perdagangan Kiwi: temukan mereka, gunakan mereka, beri nilai mereka Lets Fix It organisasi sukarela disiapkan untuk anggota pipa ledeng Industri untuk mengkoordinasikan upaya untuk membantu orang-orang Christchurch bangkit kembali dengan mendapatkan air bersih dan pasokan air limbah terhubung kembali tanpa biaya untuk tenaga kerja sesegera mungkin. Bertujuan untuk satu toilet, satu wastafel dan satu shower untuk setiap rumah tangga letsfixit. org. nz tutup 030511 Tanda-tanda dokumentasi survei gempa besar yang ada Dr Neil Whitehead chchquake. co. nz Gagasan untuk Christchurch berbagi ide arsitektur untuk diskusi Pameran CPIT 30Sep10. Blog berbagi inisiatif ide yang dikembangkan oleh Dewan Kota Christchurch. Untuk melibatkan seluruh komunitas yang terlibat dalam menyumbangkan gagasan dan umpan balik mereka untuk masa depan Kota Pusat kami menyusul gempa bumi RebuildChristchurch. co. nz situs web non profit independen yang disediakan untuk melayani penduduk Christchurch yang menderita setelah gempa September, gempa bulan Februari dan semua Gempa susulan antara Relawan yang bersemangat melihat Christchurch dibangun kembali dengan benar. Situs web dijalankan di bawah naungan Rebuild Christchurch Foundation yang menghubungkan berita dll Deon Swiggs Hari rumah kami memindahkan blog 4 item berita anak-anak CTV Canterbury Christchurch Earthquake Map Whats membuka Info yang berfungsi untuk membantu organisasi layanan darurat warga negara setelah gempa bumi Chchs Google mapquake. Co. nz Sebuah batu karang dari sisi timur penopang Castle Rock terjadi pada awal acara 7.1. Rock dan scree tetap tidak stabil di sekitar lokasi pelepasan. Batu-batu besar meluncur hampir sampai ke jalan terowongan. - Port Hills, Banks Peninsula efek dari perhatian utama: NZ Alpine Club rinci Port Hills - Update Gempa 8 September deskripsi Castle Rock dll kerusakan Peter Taylor pix. Bank Peninsula transek, sumber grafis: biblicalgeologyGeological-HistoriesBanks-Peninsula-NZ. html KONTEKS VOLCANIK UNTUK SEISMIK ACARA Ruaumoko terbangun dalam keretakan kerak bumi: bisakah dia melepaskan NB melihat Seismograph Drum - McQueens Valley (MQZ) Gambar Canterbury NZ mewakili satu hari rekaman Dari seismometer yang terletak di Lembah McQueens di Banks Peninsula Fault terbangun setelah 16.000 tahun tidak aktif. Press 7Sep10 - atau hanya itu dugaan tembus pandang NB 16.000 tahun yang lalu adalah saat pemanasan global yang dramatis setelah zaman es yang meluas. Laporan Gempa Arsip September 2010 konteks spinics Heathcote Valley - Castle Rock telah runtuh, lalu kejadian dangkal dan sangat lokal ini: Laporan Gempa Selandia Baru 8 September 2010 pukul 7:49 (NZST) Besaran 5.1 Rabu, Focal Depth 6 km, Dalam 5 Km dari Lyttelton, 10 km tenggara Christchurch, 10 km barat laut Diamond Harbour 8 Sep 2010 pukul 8:15 pagi (NZST) Besaran 3,8 Rabu, Focal Depth 5 km, Dalam 5 km dari Lyttelton, 10 km selatan - Di sebelah timur rumah Christchurch Heathcote Valley melompat (NewsTalkZB) - Terowongan jalan Lyttelton menerima retakan, penutupan sementara, bau belerang di terowongan dan Lyttelton, zona rekahan. EVENT BERPENGALAMAN DI PORT HILLS SEBAGAI KUNCI KEMATIAN TERHADAP KUNJUNGAN VOLCANIK KUNCI Laporan Gempa Selandia Baru - 8 September 2010 pukul 7:03 pm (NZST) Besaran 2,6, Rabu, Focal Depth 7 km, Dalam 5 km dari Christchurch - Bukit Huntsbury 6:48 pm 2,8 mag 8 km di bawah Jalan Summit Lebih banyak gempa susulan tampak seperti kesalahan baru yang mungkin terjadi pada kerusakan 50m Ke Lyttelton port Heathcote Warga Sue Peers dan Olivia Sanders memutuskan apakah akan meninggalkan rumah mereka setelah mengalami kerusakan lebih lanjut dari gempa susulan. Peer mengatakan bahwa hal itu jauh lebih tajam di Heathcote daripada getaran pertama. Setelah gempa terjadi - apa yang berhasil dan apa yang tidak dilakukan The Press 9Sept Somerfield dan lower Cashmere memiliki banyak cerobong asap, namun efeknya tidak terlihat saat seseorang mendaki Bukit Cashmere. Dan Mike Yardley melaporkan tidak ada efek kerusakan 4 September pada batuan dasar vulkanik Huntsbury Hill NewsTalkZB 9Sept10 Laporan sulphursmell baru di East Christchurch (RadioNZ NewsTalkZB) Christchurch Star mengatakan bahwa di pasir tua - terlalu banyak gunung api pasir untuk diabaikan di Halswell StAlbans Avonside Bexley Kaiapoi. Laporan bidang tanah pertanian direbus menjadi hummocks Darfield area Laporan Pagi RadioNZ 9Sept10 Laporan Gempa Selandia Baru - 9 September 2010 pukul 3:13 pagi (NZST) Besaran 3,7 Kamis, Focal Depth 6 km, Dalam 5 km dari Lyttelton, 10 km selatan - Timur Christchurch - Ferrymead Historic Reserve 4.0 gempa 5km di bawah Sekolah Halswell yang dirusak oleh pencairan dan ditutup untuk pengujian panas bumi (RadioNZ 10Sep10) di dekat situs kedua penggalian utama ke batuan vulkanik (basalt quarry) yang berdetak 3,4 gempa 8km dalam 20 km selatan - east Hanmer Springs perang zona termal cerita dari Addington showground kesejahteraan pusat dewan staf di Christchurch - membosankan sekali tenggelam di samping jalan menghasilkan air panas jadi tidak dapat digunakan. Kebangkitan gunung berapi Lyttelton diskon Beberapa orang bahkan menyatakan kekhawatiran bahwa gunung berapi Lyttelton yang telah punah mungkin akan hidup kembali. Namun, mahasiswa doktoral geologi Canterbury University baru-baru ini Dr Sam Hampton mengatakan bahwa tidak ada bukti aktivitas vulkanik. Kompleks volkanik Lyttelton selesai meletus 5,8 juta tahun yang lalu. Hampton mengatakan bahwa dia telah menemukan kesalahan baru-baru ini di Allandale, di mana jalannya retak dan garis tengahnya telah diimbangi dengan satu sampai dua sentimeter. Juga sebagai akibat dari kesalahan, arus keluar dari mata air hangat di ujung utara Teluk Rapaki telah meningkat. Ada enam mata air belerang hingga 20 derajat celcius dalam jarak sekitar 60 meter dari pantai dan berorientasi ke barat-timur, katanya. Bau sulphurous yang berbeda yang terkait dengan sumber air panas dan arus keluar lainnya disebabkan oleh air yang berasal dari kedalaman, seperti Hanmer Springs, dan tidak berhubungan dengan interaksi magma air. Air Press 11Sept Underground terguncang oleh kesalahan Beberapa petani mengatakan bahwa paddocks mereka memiliki Tidak pernah basah Direktur penyelidikan dan pemantauan ECan, Tim Davie, mengatakan bahwa gempa tersebut dapat memiliki dampak yang langgeng, dengan beberapa sumur rusak. Tidak ada perubahan skala besar yang bertahan lama yang diharapkan pada akuifer. Bau Sulphurous dilaporkan terjadi di sekitar wilayah tersebut namun tidak mungkin mereka semua terkait dengan mata air baru, katanya. Pandangan saya adalah sebagian dari gambut yang terkena air pengoksidasi air hangat baru di Majalah Bay .. Laporan Gempa NZ 12 Sep 2010 pukul 5:03 am (NZST) Besaran 2,6 Minggu, Focal Kedalaman 2 km, 10 km timur laut Lyttelton, 10 km sebelah utara Diamond Harbour, 10 km timur Christchurch, Ujung Ujung Southshore 12 September 2010 pukul 16:20 (NZST) Besaran 3.1 Minggu, Lintang Bujur 43.59S 172.63E Focal Depth 6km, 10km selatan Christchurch, barat Cashmere Hills 13 Sep 2010 pukul 2:13 (NZST) Besaran 3,2 Senin 43,58S, 172,64E Focal Depth 7km, 10 km selatan Christchurch, timur Cashmere Hills 17 Sep 2010 pada 4:53 am (NZST) 3.1 Port Hills Road Sep 21 2010 pukul 9:51 am (NZST) Besaran 3,3, Selasa, 43,57S 172,73E Focal Depth 2km Dalam 5 km dari Lyttelton, 10 km tenggara Christchurch - Moncks Spur. 13 Okt 2010 pukul 9:11 am (NZDT) Besaran 3.2, Rabu, 43.57S 172.63E Focal Depth 5km Dalam 5km dari Christchurch, Valley Rd Cashmere Hills 16Oct10 4:56:55 Besok 2,59 Kedalaman 4,75 km Huntsbury 17-Oct10 7:20 : 50:00 Tinggi 3.56 Kedalaman 5km Dekat 367-385 Dyers Pass Rd, Cashmere Hills 19Oct10 3:19:20 Beside 2,81 Kedalaman 9.29km Governors Bay Rd, Rapaki 19Oct10 11:32:15 Beside 5,02 Kedalaman 8,92 km Old Tai Tapu Rd, Lansdowne ( 7 merasa berada di kota Chch, menutup bandara, terowongan jalan Lyttelton, persediaan air Cashmere sampai jam 7 malam). 19Oct10 11:41:13 AM Besaran 3,73 Kedalaman 5km Dekat Pigeon Bay 19Oct10 12:06:12 Magnitude 3,38 Kedalaman 3km Quaifes Rd, Westlake 19Oct10 2:22:44 Beside 3,26 Kedalaman 8.38km Cashmere Rd, Hoon Hay 28Oct10 07:12 am Besaran 2.46 Kedalaman 10.95 km dekat Rapaki 06Nov10 05:37 am Besaran 3,10 Kedalaman 5.13 km Kidson Tce Cashmere. 7Dec10 11:49 pm Magnitude 2.56 Kedalaman 5.00km 110 Shalamar Dr, Cashmere 15Dec10 11:03 am Besaran 3,24 Kedalaman 5.86km Di dekat 250 Huntsbury Ave Cashmere. Ikhtisar permukiman dahsyat Canterbury Sept-2010, Christchurch, Kaikoura Southern Alps, sumber: Crowe. co. nz Christchurch Quake Live Semua Selandia Baru yang Lebih Luas GeoNet. org. nz Ilmu Pengetahuan GNS Te Puu Ao NZ terkemuka dari konsultan penelitian isotop bumi, geosains Layanan max tech Gempa bumi Sumber daya sumber daya data terkait gempa Volcano Aktivitas saat ini Kementerian Pertahanan Sipil Manajemen Darurat MCDEM New Zealands Fault Lines Menekankan kerak di sepanjang batas lempeng Zealane Baru telah memecahnya menjadi fragmen atau blok terpisah yang bergerak relatif satu sama lain sepanjang garis patahan. . Fragmen Pelat Australia di sebelah timur bagian Pelat Australia yang lebih stabil dipisahkan darinya oleh sistem patahan Marlborough dan Pulau Utara. Fragmen timur ini bertumpu langsung pada lempeng Pasifik, yang ditirukan miring di bawah sumber Pelat Australia: gns. cri. nz Geonet baru-baru ini gempa 4 Okt 2010, menyoroti subduksi lempeng Pasifik Pasifik yang berjarak 200 km, sumber magma vulkanik dan satu lagi yang jelas. Garis lurus Dunia Ruang magma aktif di bawah Canterbury tengah - Tidak selama lima sampai enam juta tahun yang lalu. Kolam bawah tanah besar raksasa yang ada di bawah permukaan bumi. Di bawah tekanan besar, dan diberi cukup waktu, tekanan itu dapat secara bertahap memecah batu di sekelilingnya sehingga menciptakan gerobak untuk magma. Jika menemukan jalan ke permukaan, maka hasilnya akan menjadi letusan gunung berapi sehingga banyak gunung berapi terletak di atas ruang magma. Sulit dideteksi, dan sebagian besar yang diketahui karena itu dekat dengan permukaan Bumi, biasanya antara 1 km dan 10 km di bawah permukaan. Dalam istilah geologis ini sangat dekat dengan permukaan, meski menurut manusia sangat jauh di bawah tanah. Magma naik melalui patah tulang dari bawah kerak bumi karena kurang padat dibanding batu di sekitarnya. Ketika magma tidak dapat menemukan jalan ke atas, kolam itu berada di dalam ruang magma. Karena lebih banyak magma naik di bawahnya, tekanan di kamar tersebut menumbuhkan hotspot Wikipedia Magma East Australia Hotspot (geologi) Tanda Peringatan Peringatan Kebakaran Volcano, ehowfacts Lapisan Magma Baru Ditemukan Jauh di dalam bulatan nasional. Dll Setiap ruang magma baru lokal ke Pulau Selatan mungkin akan muncul di sebelah selatan daratan lempeng Pasifik ini, di mana kekuatan subduktifnya tidak terkendali oleh lempeng Australia di Pegunungan Alpen Selatan - sebelah barat Selat Foveuax, di belakang gawang Fjordland yang dalam. Ini adalah ruang magma yang lebih aktif di sekitar Pulau Utara, di bawah kekuatan subduktif Australia Plate, yang menghadirkan risiko pembunuh sejati. (Lihat Mendorong Batas Zealar Baru) Perubahan iklim terkait dengan gempa Perubahan iklim tidak hanya mempengaruhi atmosfer dan lautan tapi juga kerak bumi. Seluruh Bumi adalah sistem interaktif The Press 29Sep10 Asal-usul Dinosaurus mendorong lebih jauh ke masa lalu Makhluk dinosaurus pertama muncul hingga sembilan juta tahun lebih awal dari yang diperkirakan sebelumnya. Kesimpulan sebuah studi tentang jejak kaki ditemukan di batuan berumur 250 juta tahun dari Polandia. Prorotodactylus Cetakan kecil Beberapa sentimeter panjangnya. Tentang ukuran kucing domestik. Paling banyak satu kilogram atau dua. Berjalan dengan empat kaki Hewan yang sangat langka Jejak kaki tersebut hanya mencapai dua juta tahun setelah kepunahan massal Permian - kepunahan massal terburuk dalam sejarah planet ini. Lebih dari 90 dari semua kehidupan di Bumi telah musnah karena letusan gunung berapi yang masif, pemanasan global yang tiba-tiba dan stagnasi samudra. Para ilmuwan mengira bahwa dinosaurus muncul 15 sampai 20 juta tahun setelah kepunahan massal, ketika planet ini menjadi lebih layak huni. Namun jejak kaki baru tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan dinosaurus sangat erat kaitannya dengan kejadian kepunahan yang menghancurkan. Dominasi dinosaurus yang dibantu oleh letusan gunung berapi vulkanisme mengubah iklim, menyebabkan kepunahan massal yang menyapu bersih para pesaing utama dinosaurus. Aliran lava bertanggal berakhirnya kepunahan Trias, 201,4 juta tahun yang lalu, yang menghapus 50 tetrapoda (hewan berkaki empat) di darat, 50 tanaman terestrial dan 20 keluarga laut. Basal banjir membentuk badan geologi raksasa yang dikenal sebagai Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (Camp). Ini terbentuk saat putusnya supercontinent yang dikenal sebagai Pangaea, menyebabkan lahar mengalir ke permukaan bumi selama sekitar 700.000 tahun. Kepunahan dinosaurus 65 juta tahun yang lalu. Sebuah dampak ruang malah bertanggung jawab. Sebuah batuan sepanjang 10-15 km yang menerjang Semenanjung Yucatan. Menyebabkan musim dingin global yang memainkan malapetaka dengan ekosistem laut dan darat 23Mar10 RingLaser. org. nz kelompok penelitian pengembangan giroskop laser cincin aktif terkemuka di dunia untuk mengukur variasi halus dalam tingkat rotasi bumi Laboratorium Cashmere Cavern, Universitas Canterbury Physics Astronomy Dept Bagian besar dalam solusi global: SolventRescue. co. nz produksi bahan bakar cair dari alga. Bahan organik yang paling umum tersedia adalah material selulosa berkayu. Ini adalah komponen utama dari kebanyakan pohon, semak, dan rumput. Solvent Rescue memiliki kemampuan dan tanaman untuk membuat ekstraksi pada tekanan tinggi dan suhu Sydenham LignoTech. co. nz Plastik bio-komposit manufaktur dari bahan sumber daya terbarukan yang berkelanjutan. Sampai 80 plastik perawan dapat diganti dengan bahan LignoTech tanpa modifikasi pada peralatan injection molding standar. Biomassa yang dimodifikasi dapat menggantikan persentase tinggi dari plastik petrokimia yang mahal pada aplikasi tertentu, yang menyebabkan penurunan biaya dan marjin yang lebih baik Ashburton Garis lurus lainnya terlalu jelas untuk diabaikan. Kesalahan New Brighton Utara bertambah tipis, sumber gambar 24Oct10: quake. crowe. co. Nz Quake Map. 03:13 PM Mag 4.78 Kedalaman 9.33km Dekat Pantai Waimairi lihat kolom di sebelah kanan garis patahan North New Brighton dilacak di bawah, dengan titik gempa 4,x 4,2 Sep-Des 2010: Jalur patahan New Brighton Utara dilacak di bawah, dengan skala gempa 3 titik Sep-Dec 2010: Jejak gempa Sep-Dec 2010 3 menyoroti tiga hal penting: 1 Kesalahan Greendale (garis merah horizontal di kiri bawah) tampaknya akan berlanjut ke timur, melalui pangkalan utara Semenanjung Banks di Lower Port Hills 2 North New Brighton Kesalahan laba-laba patah tulang di timur laut dari kesalahan Greendale, dari Hoon Hay melalui Spreydon, Sydenham, City, Linwood, Aranui dan Burwood, dan di luar ke luar dari situ 3 ahli pemerintah tetap bodoh mengenai hal ini. Kemudian Gempa Boxing Day langsung di bawah Christchurch Ketukan dan lokasi mereka di bawah Christchurch dan keluar menuju Port Hills menunjukkan adanya kaitan dengan gempa berkekuatan 5,1 di dekat Heathcote pada 8 September, yang juga menyebabkan alarm dan kerusakan. Para ilmuwan telah berspekulasi mengenai apakah Greendale Fault yang baru saja terungkap terus berlanjut di timur kota ini Press 27Dec10 Sumber grafis: Gempa susulan persis seperti yang kita harapkan Press 25Jan11 Kesalahan siapa saja tetap Para ilmuwan tetap terbagi GNS Science: Ada gempa bumi di bawah Christchurch yang dapat diartikan sebagai Perpanjangan dari Greendale Fault. Tentu tidak ingin menggambar garis lurus melalui kota, tapi dengan Boxing Day dan Selasa pagi, kami ingin memperbaiki hal-hal The Press 27Jan11 Alpine Fault tidak mungkin memicu rockfall Port Hills saat terakhir sejumlah besar batu jatuh di sekitar Rapaki sekitar 7000 bertahun-tahun lalu. Gempa hanya benar-benar dekat-kesalahan yang benar-benar menyebabkan rockfall The Press 3Oct14 kesalahan Wellingtons menemukan prompt peringatan suram Sebuah zona kesalahan yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui dengan potensi untuk sangat merusak modal Zealands Baru telah mendorong panggilan baru untuk kewaspadaan. Kesalahan Aotea ada di bawah Pelabuhan Wellington yang tidak memberi tanda-tanda kekacauan yang bisa dilepaskan setiap beberapa ribu tahun sekali. Pada akhirnya, respons pertama bukan ambulans, layanan darurat dan semua itu, respons pertama adalah tetangga Anda. Kesalahan yang baru ditemukan ini mampu menghasilkan guncangan hingga berkekuatan 6,3 sampai 7,1. Tapi seberapa sering pecahnya hanya bisa dipersempit menjadi beberapa ribu tahun lagi. Ilmuwan goncangan terakhir yang terakhir bisa ditemukan dalam catatan geologisnya adalah 6200 tahun yang lalu. Pers 9Oct14 Perubahan air tanah mungkin memperingatkan gempa besar beberapa sinyal kimia tertentu meningkat dengan cepat di minggu-minggu air bawah tanah sebelum gempa besar menghantam Islandia. Stres membangun sepanjang garis patahan sebelum gempa menarik dan menyimpangkan batu, memperlihatkan permukaan baru ke air tanah. Batu yang sebelumnya tak tersentuh kemudian akan melepaskan kalsium, sodium dan silikonnya ke dalam air, memberi tanda tangan paku Press 18Oct14 Megaquake bisa menyerang pusat Selandia Baru dalam 1000 tahun terakhir dua gempa subduksi setinggi magnitudo 7 terjadi - satu di antara sekitar 880 sampai 800 Tahun yang lalu dan yang lainnya antara 520 dan 470 tahun yang lalu hal-hal 19May15 Chat rekap: Ilmuwan Kate Clark di mega gempa bumi Tidak ada cara untuk memprediksi gempa subduksi yang akurat walaupun metode baru selalu berkembang dan beberapa gempa subduksi memiliki tempat berlindung yang merupakan daerah aktif. Penelitian Dominion Post Sebuah garis lurus panjang terlalu jelas untuk diabaikan (event analysis) Perhatikan bentuk horisontal pada peta swarm gempa Canterbury. Mungkinkah ini adalah ujung drift ke barat dari sumber magma terra-form kuno, di lempeng Pasifik yang meluas, mencari ventilasi baru Jika demikian, skenario di sini akan serupa dengan Pompeii. 79AD. Jadi mari kita pahami kesalahan pemogokan vertikal ini, dengan sains rasional penuh, demi kebaikan safari. Kami tinggal menyisihkan sebuah zona vulkanik tua yang telah lama terancam walaupun telah terancam punah.1 Halaman web ini mengeksplorasi risiko vulkanik bencana yang kembali: terdiskon untuk Canterbury, tapi Sangat nyata di pusat Pulau Utara Selandia Baru. Dan sangat nyata di Christchurch, potensi gempa berkekuatan 8,1 skala lokal (non-Alpine) - perpanjangan karakteristik pada fitur geologi Chatham Rise (subduksi lempeng Pasifik Utara yang berhenti lama diletakkan secara kasar tegak lurus dengan ungkapan Alpine saat ini) dari sebuah Kesalahan 260km panjang (520km magnitude 8,2, 780km 8.3) - baru saja terungkap: seharusnya Greendale Fault menghidupkan kembali lebih jauh untuk memperluas dirinya ke timur menuju Kepulauan Chatham. Ahli geologi percaya bahwa jika suatu kesalahan. Telah bergerak setidaknya sekali dalam 5000 tahun terakhir, maka harus dianggap sebagai sumber potensial untuk menghancurkan gempa bumi ke pemukiman manapun dalam radius 50km. Setelah kesalahan besar terbentuk, gempa bumi masa depan dihasilkan di sepanjang garis yang sama dengan Active Faults GeoNet. Semua NZ harus di QUIET ALERT. 1 Sebelum pergi keluar dan menemukan perusahaan bergerak terbaik, menghubungi perusahaan yang bergerak atau mencari-cari secara online untuk setiap perusahaan yang bergerak mempertimbangkan informasi di halaman ini. Letusan NB Lyttelton tidak mungkin Beberapa pakar gempa bumi dan gunung berapi di negara tersebut sekarang bertekad untuk membatalkan gosip tersebut sebelum bahkan membuat lebih banyak orang menekan The Press 23Jun11. InfoHelp mendukung sepenuhnya penilaian risiko ini, dan mengatakan: Secara geo-historis, Anda dapat memiliki Pegunungan Alpen Selatan sebagai kesalahan transformasi yang panjang, atau Anda dapat memiliki gunung berapi yang aktif di dekatnya - Anda tidak dapat memiliki keduanya. Tabrakan lempeng tektonik, dimulai sejak lama yang membangun Pegunungan Alpen Selatan, terhunus dan memadamkan gunung-gunung Banks Peninsula di awal prosesnya, melihat Mendorong Batasan Zealar Baru simulasi formasi tanah 65S juta tahun GNS Science. - Tidak di sini, sebuah Yellowstone Supervolcano Jauh Lebih Besar dari Thought News. discovery 23Apr15 Tapi ada, adalah sebuah gunung supervolcano yang terbentuk di dekat daerah Selandia Baru Tonga Trench Stuff 13Feb13 The Press mengutip ahli geologi terkemuka Kelvin Berryman: .. Semakin lama kesalahannya, semakin besar gempa. potensi. Kesalahan Southern Alps, dengan jarak 400km namun pada jarak yang lebih jauh ke Christchurch daripada Greendale Fault yang baru, dapat menghasilkan gempa berkekuatan 8 sampai 9 skala Richter yang serupa di kota - gempa Darfield berkekuatan 7, karena kerusuhan di bawah tanah Bergerak, yang tergelincir sejauh tiga meter lebih panjang, panjangnya sekitar 25km. Untuk mendapatkan gempa berskala 8, yang 10 kali lebih hebat, Anda harus memiliki garis patahan 10 kali lebih lama. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kesalahan Alpine, yang bisa tergelincir sekitar delapan meter sepanjang segmen sepanjang 400 kilometer, merupakan satu-satunya sumber yang mungkin berukuran 8 plus di Pulau Selatan. Itulah sebabnya mengapa ahli geologi tidak terlalu terganggu oleh labirin retakan kecil yang terletak di mana-mana di bawah permukaan Selandia Baru. Garis sesar sekitar 5km panjangnya hanya bisa menghasilkan gangguan berkepalabesar, retakan setengah kilometer hanya menghasilkan 5, dan celah beberapa ratus meter hanya akan memberi 4 apa yang ada di bawah Mainlander 18Sep10 Para ilmuwan mengatakan bahwa Canterburys Greendale Fault Telah tumbuh 4km lain dan sekarang 26km panjang dll Perubahan kesalahan mungkin baik untuk Canty Berbagai jenis gerakan tanah telah dialami di sekitar Hororata Fault dan Rolleston Fault yang sebelumnya disembunyikan. Orang-orang di sekitar daerah ini merasa diri mereka langsung terbang ke udara. Yang pertama kami rasakan di Christchurch berasal dari sisi ke sisi. Strain pada kesalahan di sekitar wilayah telah terbebas sebagai akibatnya 15Sep10 Ilmuwan tidak dapat mengesampingkan kesalahan di bawah Chch 6Oct10 Studi pencairan terlalu terlambat untuk daerah yang terkena dampak paling parah Sengatan baru dilihat sebagai bukti yang memicu gempa menunjuk pada kesalahan dorongan buta 1 tergeletak di suatu tempat di suatu tempat Timur laut yang lebar ke barat daya berpusat pada fokus gempa besar yang dekat dengan Charing Cross. Ahli seismologi Bill Fry mengatakan masih banyak yang tidak diketahui tentang kesalahan tersembunyi kedua. The Greendale Fault meluas turun melalui kerak atas dan tengah sampai sekitar 10 sampai 12 kilometer. Tapi kesalahan dorong - masih menentukan lokasi yang tepat. Gempa besar tersebut mengubah tingkat regangan pada batuan di sekitar kawasan tersebut, katanya. Hal ini telah menciptakan peningkatan medan stres di beberapa daerah dan penurunan lainnya. Fry mengatakan daerah dengan strain terberat adalah tempat gempa susulan terjadi 14Oct10 Goncangan lebih besar. Mungkin kekurangan jumlah energi yang dilepaskan oleh goncangan Canterbury yang terus berlanjut. Total energi yang dilepaskan pada gempa berkekuatan 4,0 atau lebih dalam gempa susulan pertama selama 18 hari pertama di gempa 7,1 Haiti sekitar 245 triliun joule, sementara jumlah gempa 4.0 Canterbury yang meningkat sejak 4 September hanya 85 triliun joule 16Oct10 pemuatan tegangan Alpen sebagai gantinya. Insinyur lebih menyukai tumpukan di atas lempengan beton vs Liquefaction dll 18Oct10 Haus untuk info gempa pada presentasi kuliah oleh dosen ilmu geologi Mark Quigley .. Sempat gempa pada tanggal 4 tidak mungkin secara substansial mempengaruhi Sisi Alpine sepanjang 650 kilometer. Itu belum dipicu oleh beberapa gempa besar lainnya di abad yang lalu. the Canterbury quake was likely to have involved the rupture of an entire fault 21Oct10 Scientists find four faults caused shake a lot of energy from the original two ruptures was going into Banks Peninsula and reflected back up into Christchurch etc 29Nov10 ground deformation Satellite radar results gns. cri. nz 2Dec10 Scientists Set To Probe Alpine Fault 20 chance of a big quake on the fault in the next 20 years. last ruptured 290 years ago and moved the ground 27m horizontally along 300km. new clues about what happens in the lead-up to a major quake about 10 times as powerful as the Canterburys 7.1-magnitude quake on September 4. ruptures every 200 to 400 years -- producing earthquakes of about magnitude 8 -- most recently in 1717 along nearly 400km of the southern two thirds of the fault NZPA voxy. co. nz 5Jan11 Alpine Fault dams water to east, study finds 100m 151m bore holes show waterproof seal between two of the worlds major crustal plates. project at Gaunt Creek has attracted more than 20 researchers and engineers from around the world. The Alpine Fault runs more than 450km from Marlborough down the western edge of the Alps and offshore at the entrance to Milford Sound. Researchers believe the fault ruptures every 300 or so years and last moved in 1717. It is expected to generate a magnitude-8 earthquake when it next yields to pressure from the Australian and Pacific plates.. The Press 9Feb11 1 Blind thrust earthquake usually of magnitude 6 to 7. especially destructive because the seismic waves are highly directed. contribute more to urban seismic risk than the big ones of magnitude 8 or more. the tectonic squeezing across Los Angeles will likely produce earthquakes on either the blind Elysian Park or Puente Hills thrust fault systems. Large regions of metropolitan Los Angeles were rising and falling by up to 11 cm per year, but this was largely due to pumping and recharging of groundwater Wikipedia An Elusive Blind-Thrust Fault Beneath Metropolitan Los Angeles Science Mar99 The Press earthquake event graphic - approximately traces the theoretical latitudinal rift line, east to the Chathams Tracing the historic route of this extinct magma chamber to its eastward origins, is the Chatham Rise as found on the Zealandia Continent map. Above water, currently, are only Rekohu the Chatham Islands to the east, and Horomaka Banks Peninsula in the west. Will there be a next phase to this terra-forming engine, in the next age of Earth vulcanism. Tortion from 2008-2009s many Fijordland quakes. that shifted Dunedin 30 centimetres west on 15 July 2009 alone, is tensioning the Alps and Canterbury towards The Big One here in time. For now, like an enormous liquid iron gong, the soundings forth from the Canterbury former magma zone have a mirror image echo, similarly big and regular, beneath current Porangahau events at Hawkes Bay and 200 km beneath Tokoroa . The explanation of the 2010 Canterbury quake is this: The Pacific plate is on the move, probably accelerated by global warming. It is pivoting New Zealand east to west in the south, around the Cook Straight axis, with the Australian plate doing the same west to east in the north. The scale of movement is most great at the extremities - Southland and Northland - so the different pace of turn per latitude causes earth fault slippage for releasing the twist force. ( See TeAra. govt. nz geological-exploration AustralianPacific plate techtonic simulation Pushing New Zealands Boundaries land formation simulation GNS youtube from The History of Zealandia NZ 4M-year deformation. mov projection ) The Canterbury earthquake phase begun on 4 September 2010 is a stress energy release very typical of the Chatham Rise geological feature extending far to its east. The twisting of the southern South Island - west against its plate impact crumple compression spine (longitudinal Alps) - is what tensions the more porous and brittle Chatham Rise volcanic land mass (extending centrally and latitudinally east) and causes this family of earthquake faults. The energy is transferred by these latitudinal strikes, northwards from here, into north Canterbury and on to the Hikurangi Trough. Ref. Major slip near Kaikoura closes State Highway 1 until next week The possibility that the slip was caused by earthquakes is not being ruled out NZTA SH1, railway near Kaikoura closed until Thursday at best Heavy rainfall, and not recent earthquake activity, is being blamed for the slip The Press 12Sept Sep 15 2010 at 4:15 pm (NZST) Magnitude 3.5, Wednesday, 42.49S 173.82E Focal Depth 5 km, 10 km south-east of Kaikoura, 60 km north-east of Cheviot, 110 km south of Blenheim, 150 km north-east of Christchurch Sep 15 2010 at 5:01 pm (NZST) Magnitude 4.2, Wednesday, 42.47S 173.75E Focal Depth 11 km, 10 km south-east of Kaikoura, 50 km north-east of Cheviot, 110 km south of Blenheim, 150 km north-east of Christchurch Sep 15 2010 at 5:38 pm (NZST) Magnitude 4.2, Wednesday, 42.49S 173.76E Focal Depth 10 km, same locale combination of rain and earthquake confirmed as slip cause RadioNZ News 16Sep10 20Oct10 3:15:32AM Magnitude 2.78 Depth 21.47km northeast of Kaikoura The risk of imminent Al pine fault-slip is very real, given the clear evidence of recent full-length lateral pressure upon it: Kaikoura latitudinal rift, north of and parallel to Christchurchs and the Hikurangi plate boundary, graphic source: GeoNet In the battle of the Australian and Pacific plates, to the north the Australian Plate is victor by subduction that drives Taupo zone volcanics with variable force over time temperature conditions. In the south, the Pacific Plate is victor and holds the Australian Plate back by Alp-forming scrum, so its volcanics - Banks Peninsula and Port Chalmers - are permanently extinct. The Australian land mass could warm more significantly and succeed in pushing harder back, but subduction is unlikely to result that would sink Canterbury and generate new volcanoes west of the Alps. Assuming the Australian Plate loses its age-old wrestle with the Pacific Plate, and observing the macro-process that formed the Chatham Rise over aeons of volcanic resurrection to make a giant westward ridge, then this new rift could potentially be a preceding tear in the Earths fabric that ushers in a new local age of heated, magmatic land formation. That is, the ancient Chatham Rise subduction ridge has always built itself forward volcanically. perhaps in this split and release way, at plate contact point. So will this new land mass fracture bisect the Alps, or push them aside and to the north, to continue moving forward and west. No movement imminent on the Alpine fault soon (What lies beneath The Press 18Sep10) - So what is this then: Southern Alpine longitudinal rift, graphic source: GeoNet Note Sept-Oct 2010 northern subduction fault quakes, undersea B D felt in Christchurch, graphic source: Google maps NZ TECTONIC ACTIVITY IS UP this spring. . graphic sources: Geonet recent quakes 13 Oct 2010 NIWA : Meanwhile, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research scientists are developing ways to interpret the history of undersea earthquakes occurring on major marine faults around New Zealand. Principal scientist Phil Barnes said the focus had been on three Marlborough faults - Wairau, Cloudy and Vernon - that ran into Cook Strait. We have found eight prehistoric earthquakes on the Wairau Fault of more than magnitude 7.0, six on the Cloudy Fault and five on the Vernon Fault, which have all been big earthquakes in the past 18,000 years, he said New fault seen as earthquake trigger The Press 14Oct10 NIWA finds new ways of seeing past earthquakes - under the sea NIWA. co. nz The Wairau Fault, which is the northern part of the Alpine Fault. Dr Barnes says, If you know a fault has an earthquake on it every two thousand years on average, and its been close to that elapsed time since the last one, then it could be reasonable to interpret that it is due for another one. 13Oct10 radionz news Wairau Fault quakes every 2200 years, the last one being 2000 years ago Seismic studies shed light on natural disaster risk Scientists are looking beneath their feet, the sea, even the south stand at Eden Park to increase their knowledge about volcanic eruptions and earthquakes radionz 13Oct10 mp3 magma rises quickly and imperceptibly from 80-100km depth, whence earthquake clusters become vague sign from brittle crust breaks 30km days or weeks ahead Auckland more vulnerable to volcanic ash-fall than thought Scientists have discovered that Auckland has been hit by twice as many volcanic eruptions than previously thought Dr Jill Jolly GNS Science 20-30,000 years ago Auckland area outbursts Rangitoto 550 years ago or outbursts every 2,500 years or every 200 years Auckland virtual Eruption As the volcanic hot spot beneath the city begins to stir, Auckland faces a massive natural disaster. Get Ready Week 2010 ondemand. TV3 13Oct10 ominous prep NIWA confirms collapse of undersea volcano Rumble III undersea volcano on the Kermadec Ridge, 200 km northeast of Auckland, has dropped in height by 120 metres in the last couple of years, pioneering research by NIWA has shown. Our seabed is a lot more active than we thought, says NIWA marine geologist, Richard Wysoczanski. Within the last ten years there have been numerous undersea volcanic eruptions and activity: Monowai (several times up to 2008), Raoul Volcano (2006), and White Island (2000 and 2001) 16Aug10 35.745S 178.478E Rumble III volcano. si. edu Smithsonians Global Volcanism Program sign of Great Change afoot. A Rumble III . 071010 magnitude 2.7 Matata quake location, graphic source: Google maps Reference: 3405546 NZDT: Thu, Nov 11 2010 4:25 pm Magnitude: 2.4 Depth: 1 km Details: 10 km north of Taupo Reference: 3405612 NZDT: Thu, Nov 11 2010 1:51 pm Magnitude: 2.4 Depth: 1 km Details: 10 km north of Taupo Reference: 3405479 NZDT: Thu, Nov 11 2010 1:45 pm Magnitude: 2.2 Depth: 1 km Details: 10 km north of Taupo Reference: 3405425 NZDT: Thu, Nov 11 2010 11:38 am Magnitude: 1.7 Depth: 2 km Details: 10 km north of Taupo Geonet recent quakes Clark Volcano 130 km NE of White Island volcanolive Mapping Volcanoes julians blog GNS 3Mar11 North New Brighton fault revealed 04Oct10 4:03pm mag 3.13 Depth 12km 4:17pm mag 3.48 Depth 12km Graphic source: quake. crowe. co. nz Quake Map For detail, View image enlarge 24-Oct 03:13PM Magnitude 4.78 Energy 223 metric tons Depth 9.33 km Near Waimairi Beach, see column left yet another New Brighton fault quake, 06Dec10 Magnitude 3.74 Depth 11.54km New Brighton fault dramatica lly confirmed in crowe. co. nzQuakeMapLast24Hours 20Jan11 Conclusions - N. B. The main conclusions from this first - start at knowledgeevent ground-zero - page of earthquake analysis are threefold: 1. Complete, researched elimination of active volcanics as the earthquake cause (see material both columns above) 2. Trace of seismic evidence of an active fault beneath Christchurch and out into Pegasus Bay: confirmed by Boxing Day 2010 aftershock event and geologist comment afterwards - see above notes and next 22 February 2011 InfoHelp earthquake page esp new-old fault larger kaiapoi chch blog-post - key fault 2 to watch 3. The straight line too obvious to ignore did indeed come to drive faultline earthquakes beneath Halswell and Cashmere (still), and on to Heathcote and Lyttelton (still). Very tragically, the 22 February quake that followed took 182 lives - Warning was stifled. 13 June 2011 saw the third big break east - devastating for Redcliffs and Sumner, with one rest-home fatality - key fault 1 to watch . It is unlikely that we have seen the end of this earthquake sequence yet. Local tsunami risk is not significantly increased by the horizontal Chatham Rise strike-slip faults directly, but from implications on the related Hikurangi Trough if there is great movement. Timeline unknown. Wellington would be crippled by massive earthquake City could wait 46 days for tap water. Wellington City Councils. civil defence preparedness report. the most comprehensive overview yet of the citys preparedness. an honest account of how the city would fare in a magnitude 7.5 or greater earthquake. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Wellington - 11 times the strength of the 7.1 shake in Christchurch on September 4 - would cost the Government about 15 billion, according to a Treasury working paper Dominion Post 18Jun11 Also: Early Earthquake Warning System in iOS 5 for Japanese Users macrumors 21Aug11 ReGenerating small, sustainable SHACs in the temporarily vacant sites of Christchurch ReGeneration Trust and SHAC (Sustainable Habitat Challenge) are keen to get rebuilding Christchurch. In January 2012, well be running a six-day building project - starting from scratch, well be working with builders, architects and a crew of young people to create a funky, recycled, moveable office for the Gap Filler project.. happyzine. co. nz 9Dec11 Quake turmoil for anxious migrants anticipating becoming residents in March, but after their house was severely damaged in the February 22 earthquake they lost both home and jobs, and their residency application stalled when they were unable to extend their working visas. The Mashals came to New Zealand in 2007 Fairfax 1Jan12 2011s disasters costliest ever risk of disasters was increasing globally because of climate change, the depletion of natural resources, poor land use and worsening environmental problems. by 2050 the world would need 50 per cent more food, 45 per cent more energy and 30 per cent more water for a growing population, and these resources were already under threat and were triggers of disaster The Press 6Mar12 New website cuts wait for quake details GeoNet Rapid beta, based on geofon. gfz-potsdam. de project seismological software for data acquisition, processing, distribution interactive analysis gone live Sep12 FOSS TerraDaily Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News 2012 Lightning lights Christchurch sky Facebook user Garry Thomas said Mother Nature was obviously not a big fan of September 4, the anniversary of Canterburys 7.1-magnitude quake. The storm had developed over the Canterbury Plains near Ashburton Tuesday afternoon and moved northeast blown by a southwest wind Damage after severe hailstorm The Press 5Sep12 . Chch quake more violent than Marlboroughs The quake that caused major damage in Christchurch in February 2011 was three times more violent than the Marlborough quake on August 16, GNS Science says. magnitude-6.5 quake on July 21. Seddon. August 16 magnitude-6.6 EQNZ events ongoing The Press 03102013. Research sheds light on quake mystery tectonic plates was pulled apart, creating a rift. The tension during this process created an electronic charge, which turned into light when it reached the surface The Press 3Jan14 Lights before quake explained radionz This Terrifying Animation Shows the Chile Tsunami Rippling Through the Entire Pacific Ocean Eileen Shim 4Apr14 Earthquakes Blame the Kapiti creep Damaging earthquakes that have shaken central New Zealand strongly in the past year appear linked to a puzzling, creeping phenomenon under the lower North Island. Scientists believe silent earthquakes along and off the Kapiti coast have transferred ground stress elsewhere in the region, possibly triggering recent quake swarms in Marlborough, the Wairarapa and Hawkes Bay. Silent quakes - also known as slow-slip events (SSE) - cannot be felt by people and can only be detected by using global positioning system (GPS) instruments to measure ground movements of just a few millimetres 6Apr14 Page Sponsor detail completed hereNavSource Online: Battleship Photo Archive Machine Gun Battery Contributed By AndOr Copyright 40MM Bofors - Prelimanary: Much of the Bofors enormous popularity could be traced to the much greater power of its ammunition compared to that of the 1.1in. Muzzle velocity rose to 2890ftsec and the standard tracer round burned for 8.5-10.5 seconds (4200-4500yds). It fired armor-piercing, high explosive and incendiary rounds with a projectile weight just under 2lb, more than twice that of the 1.1in. No VT fuze was available for this weapon during the war. The rate of fire per barrel slightly exeeded that of the 1.1in. The Bofors as said before, was liked for its high power, its ruggedness and its simplicity of operation and maintenance. The percentage of aircraft kills attributed to it grew as the Japanese came to rely more heavily on suicide attacks late in WWII. Between 1 October 1944 and 1 February 1945 about half of all aircraft shot down by US surface ships were credited to the Bofors . In the extensive kamikaze rearmament program of 1945 in which many Fleet destroyers were fitted with additional Bofors guns at the expense of their torpedo tubes, the same sort of popularity shows. Only at the very end of WWII it became clear that a replacement was needed as the Bofors was not able to destroy an approaching kamikaze soon enough to keep it from hitting. Firing a much heavier shell, the 3in50 could put up more metal than could the Twin 40mm and more effectively, since it would fire VT-fuzed shells. Ammunition for the Bofors was loaded in the form of four-round clips atop the breech mechanism, each full fixed round weighing about 4.8lb, for a total of about 19. The Bofors feed atop the gun could hold two clips, so that fire could be maintained continuously passing clip after clip into the gun. The first series of quadruple 40mm mounts were allocated to the South Dakota class (BB-57 - 60) battleships, which received six MK.2. The Mk.4 was a lightweight quadruple mount developed by Northern Ordnance, in which about 1000lb was saved by the use of a GE drive, and an additional 2500lb of electrical equipment, including amplidyne motors, was stowed below decks. About 100 had been made by VJ-Day. It weighed 25,140lb, elevatedtrained at 55 degrees per second and its introduction shows the needs of the Fleet of 1945. It had elevation limits of 90--15 degrees. Although meant to be replaced in 1945, by the 3in50, it remained through the 1970s for lack of funding. Eventually a VT-fuze was developed for it but there seemed to be no interst in new 40mm development. Machine Gun Battery Designed to give the South Dakota (BB-57) the maximum defensive fire power against enemy aircraft, the machine gun battery was divided into four sectors. Sector 1 had a defensive area starting from the bow in a clockwise direction to 090 degrees relative or the starboard beam. In this sector there were eighteen 20mm guns and four 40mm quads . The quads were numbered from one to four while the 20mms were formed in groups numbering from one to seven, starting from the bow and going aft. The control station for sector I was located on the starboard side of the platform outside the Batt II level and was in communication with all quads, 20mm groups, clipping rooms and Mark 51 directors in the sector over the 1JY telephone circuit. Each individual group or quad had a 1JY outlet. The sector officer was in general over-all charge and controlled the fire of his sector, directing what 20mm groups and what 40mm quads should fire at various incoming targets. Carrying out the sector officers orders were the 20mm group captains and 40mm quad captains who were in charge of each individual station. It was their duty and responsibility to see that the control officers orders were carried out, that all casualties were repaired immediately and to take over the direction of defensive fire should they lose communication with the control officer. Sector II included all machine guns forward of frame 85 on the port side. It had a defensive area covering from 270 degrees relative (port beam) forward to the bow, 360 degrees. This sector had three 40mm quads and eighteen 20mm guns in it, both numbered as in Sector I, starting from the bow and going aft. The control station was located on the port side of the platform outside the Batt II level and was connected to all quads, 20mm groups, clipping rooms and Mark 51 directors by the 2JY telephone circuit. All orders from the sector control officer went over this circuit. As on the machine gun stations, the group captains and quad captains were in charge of their individual stations. Generally, these men were petty officers and experienced in the handling of each station. On the top of Turret Two were five 20mm guns, two of which belonged to Sector II and the three starboard guns came under the control of Sector I. These guns were essentially for defense against dive bombers since only one gun in each sector could be fired safely at targets passing up or down either beam. Each machine gun station had a certain amount of ready ammunition standing by for use at all times, however the main source of ammunition supply for the forward sectors was in the large 20mm clipping room forward of the wardroom, a 40mm magazine located on the first superstructure deck just aft of Turret Two and a 40mm magazine located in the forward part of the superstructure on the 5th level (housetop level). The last mentioned magazine was connected to magazines below the main deck (3rd deck) by means of an ammunition hoist. All these stations were manned during General Quarters. Sector III had a defensive area starting from 090 degrees relative extending to 180 degrees (starboard beam to directly astern). It had five quads and twenty-one 20mm guns, the latter being formed into seven groups varying from one-gun groups to five-gun groups. The control officer for this sector was located on the starboard side of Sky Aft which was on the after side of the Main Battery Director Two. He was in communication with all stations in his sector over the 3JY telephone circuit. Aside from the ready service ammunition, the main supply of ammunition came from 40mm magazines adjacent to the quads and from the 20mm clipping room known as Clip Aft. Sector IV covered an area extending from dead astern (180 degrees) to 270 degrees (port beam). As in Sector III this sector had five 40mm quads and twenty-one 20mm guns. These were numbered from one to five in the quads and from one to seven in the 20mm groups. The sector control officer was located on the port side of Sky Aft and was in contact with all quads, 20mm groups, clipping rooms and Mark 51 directors over the 4JY telephone circuit. The sector control officer issued all his orders and controlled his sector over this local circuit. As in all other sectors, the group and quad captains controlled their individual stations with respect to fire distribution should communication with the sector officer fail. All stations in Sector IV had similar sources of supply as in Sector III. In general over-all charge of all four sectors was the Machine Gun Officer whose station was in Air Defense during General Quarters. He wore the 5JY telephone and was in contact with each sector over the same circuit by means of a 5JY phone talker standing alongside each sector officer. He could, by means of the selector switch, cut in on any of the four sectors and thereby talk to any station he desired in that sector. The Machine Gun Officer directed and distributed the fire of his sectors depending upon the various types of attack. He received a continuous stream of radar reports and other pertinent information from his talker who wore the 5JP telephone, the main A. A. defense telephone circuit and relayed this information on to the sectors concerned. On South Dakota the senior Marine officer was also the Machine Gun Officer. He was in over-all charge of all maintenance and training as far as the machine guns were concerned. 40mm A. A. (Bofors) Machine Gun and Characteristics The 40mm twin machine gun (which formed one half of a quad mount) was basically the same as the usual naval gun. It consisted of four main parts: 1. The gun barrel, 2. The breech mechanism (breech casing), 3. The automatic loader 4. The recoil system. The barrel was an all-steel forging secured to a breech ring by means of a bayonet type threaded area and was attached or unattached by one half turn of the barrel. The barrel was covered by a water jacket, sealed at the breech end by a copper gasket and packed at the muzzle end by two rings of woven packing. The muzzle end was fitted with a flash guard . The barrel and breech ring were supported in the gun mechanism by a bearing on the outside diameter of the water jacket toward the muzzle end and by guide lugs on the sides of the breech ring, which, in turn, slid on surfaces provided in the breech casing (body). The breech ring was fitted inside with a breech block (similar to 538 breech plugs) that was actuated by a helical spring. The helical spring drove a splined shaft to which two cranks were fitted. The outer extremities of these cranks were fitted with heart shaped projections that fitted into sliding surfaces on the slides of the breech block. The breech plug itself was fitted internally with the firing pin and its operating mechanism. To the forward surfaces of the breech ring, below the part to which the barrel attached, were two lugs to which were attached the buffer piston, the function of which was to control both recoil and counter-recoil. The buffer, which was mounted to the underside of the breech casing, was fitted internally with a piston which fitted the inner diameter of the buffer cylinder but the piston itself was provided with a hole through the center in which was inserted a throat bushing and through this bushing extended a variable diameter rod which controlled the area of the orifice, thereby making it possible to control the amount of recoil or counter-recoil at any point in the travel. The buffer was fitted with an adjustment to control the speed of counter-recoil. On the rear surface of the breech ring, two lugs were provided to which a total of eight shells could be placed in groups of four each. The loader mechanism provided with guides, holding tray was supported on suitable surfaces in the loader mechanism which permitted the tray to travel with the breech ring and barrel in recoil and counter-recoil. Around and above this tray was the loading mechanism in which a total of eight shells may be placed in groups of four each. The loader mechanism was provided with guides, holding pawls and feeding pawls which prevented the live ammunition from falling out of the loader even when the gun was elevated 90 degrees. The loading pawls operated to feed in one shell each time that the gun recoiled. The feeding operation was accomplished by means of revolving feed wheels which made one quarter turn during each recoil and in doing so, removed the clip, discharging it out the side of the gun mechanism. When the shell was fed onto the tray, it was grabbed by two rammer forks, which were released in automatic fire by means of a pawl operated by a projection on the lower surfaces of the loading tray. In single fire, the rammer forks were released by a foot treadle actuated through connecting levers. When the rammer forks were released as mentioned above, the shell was thrown forward over the loading tray through an opening in the breech ring into the barrel. In passing into the barrel, the shell contacted the extractor levers, moving them with the shell and disengaging them from the breech block which, up to this time, had been held open by these two extractor levers. A tapered surface on the forward edge of the breech block came in contact with the shell, forcing it home in the barrel. As soon as the breech block reached the upper-most portion (closed position), the firing lever was automatically tripped, causing the gun to fire and recoil. In recoil, a crank attached to the splined shaft, previously mentioned, was brought into contact with a cam, pulled the breech block down to the open position and surfaces on the forward corner of the breech block came in contact with matching surfaces on the extractor arms which violently expelled the empty shell cases from the gun chamber along the upper surface of the loading tray and out the rear door. Here, the empty case struck the case deflector and was sent down and out the front lower end of the mount. The operation of the gun was so timed that the empty passed through the tray before a new shell was fed into the tray by the feed mechanism. Initial velocity 2800 f. s. (average) Rifling, increasing twist 145 to 130 Maximum range 11,000 yards Maximum altitude (85 degrees elevation) 13,000 feet. Time of flight to point of burst 9 seconds Range of burst 4390 yards (new gun) Length of barrel ( rifling) 94.5 inches Weight of projectile 1.97 pounds The 40mm quadruple mount was essentially a double twin mount, a complete unit for mounting two 40mm twin machine gun mechanisms. Two carriages were mounted on a base ring consisting of two pieces, an upper and a lower piece . Each carriage was provided with trunnions to mount a 40mm twin gun mechanism Mark 2, an elevation centering pin to lock gun mechanisms, firing mechanism, stop firing mechanism and an elevating worm drive to elevate or depress gun mechanism. The elevating worm drives were connected through two sets of bevel gears and a shaft having an adjustable coupling to keep both right and left gun mechanisms horizontally in line. One set of handwheels and power drive unit used to operate both right and left gun mechanisms in elevation. The guns were capable of elevating 90 degrees and depressing 15 degrees from the horizontal and capable of training 750 degrees, 360 degrees to each side of the secured position. The extreme limits of elevation and depression were provided with rubber buffer pads. There were also buffer (positive stops) at the extreme limits of train and automatic cut-offs of the power drive which operated when approaching the extreme limit of train. The movement of one handle (on the training centering device) unlocked the mount from its fixed position or prevented its movement when not in action. Elevating centering pins were provided, one for each carriage, to lock the gun body in a fixed position when not in use. The principal parts of the mount were: 1- The stand and training circle. 2- Base ring and carriage. 3- Training gear (handwheel, gear-drives and seat). 4- Elevating gear (handwheel, gear-drives and seat). 5- Electric hydraulic power drives (receiver-regulators, clutches and lever controls). 6- Firing mechanism (power clutch and cutout mechanism). 7- Loaders platform (cartridge chutes and tool holders). 8- Cooling system (pump) . tank and piping). The stand and training circle were bolted together. The stand was bolted to the ships deck. These were the two main stationary pieces of the mount. The training stop block was also bolted to the ships deck, independent of the stand but having a direct relationship to its movement in train. The training gear had teeth cut in its outer edge, mating with the training gear pinion drive which rotated the entire mount. The base ring was made up of two pieces, an upper and a lower piece. The lower piece was concentric and was provided with circular roller paths and hardened steel rollers, in contact with rollers on the stationary stand. The entire weight of the mount was transmitted through these rollers to the stand. The lower and upper pieces were considered as one unit and were marked as such. The upper piece was provided with two rectangular flanges for supporting the left and right carriages. The training stop buffer and training stop shaft were attached to the upper and lower pieces. The training bracket and train pinion bracket were attached to the upper piece. The carriage supported the gun mechanism through its roller bearing trunnions. The front face of both the left and right carriage was occupied with firing control and stop firing mechanisms. The right side of the right carriage supported training handwheel brackets, the power drives and training seat. The left side of the left carriage supports the elevation handwheel bracket, elevating power drive and pointers seat. The elevating worm gear drive was mounted on the left side of both left and right carriages they were both driven by one handwheel (or one power drive unit) through two sets of bevel gear and connecting shafting. The training gear consisted of a handwheel conveniently located at the trainers seat on the right hand side of the right carriage. The handwheel was connected through shafting a set of helical gears, a handwheel operated clutch, a set of bevel gears, a set of mitre gears to the (B-end) hudraulic motor shaft pinion gear to spur gear on the extension shaft and pinion to the training circle. The training circle was a concentric stationary gear therefore, when pressure was applied to the handwheel, it rotated the pinion around the training circle causing the mount to rotate. The elevating gear consisted of a handwheel conveniently located at the pointers seat on the left hand side of the left hand carriage. The handwheel was connected through shafts, a set of helical gears, a hand operated clutch, through five spur gears to the vertical mounted gears in the left mitre box. From the left mitre gear box the vertical shaft continued to the worm drive, wormwheel, shaft and pinion driving the elevating arc of the guns mounted on the left carriage. From the left mitre box, at 90 degrees to the vertical shaft, the drive was carried to the right mitre box on the right carriage. The horizontal connecting shaft between the two mitre boxes was connected with a flexible coupling and an adjustable coupling to provide a fine adjustment for setting the gun bores of both left and right carriage guns directly in line. The right mitre box drove through a worm drive arrangement on the right carriage (similar to that on the left) to the elevating arc. The rotation of the pinions bearing against the elevating arcs caused the four guns to elevate or depress in horizontal line simultaneously. The electric-hydraulic power drives (later described) were self contained, electrically driven through gears, shafting and a hydraulic pump and motor, to the outside connection. It was so arranged through clutches, levers and control rods that it could be controlled electrically from the joystick control at the pointers station or from the director above. They were used for both elevating and training devices. The firing mechanism consisted of a foot pedal or electrical solenoid, firing in conjunction with a firing motor and clutch arrangement through levers, shafts, springs and rods to move the firing plunger to the fire position. The firing stop mechanism consisted of an arrangement of levers and cranks to disconnect the firing mechanism during that period when any part of the permanent ships structure would fall in line of fire. When this danger had passed, the mechanism was automatically reset to the firing position. If the foot pedal was depressed, it had to be released before the mechanism would be reset to the firing position. Foot pedal firing was controlled from the pointers seat and operated the mechanism simultaneously through shaft and levers on both left and right carriages. Director (electrical) firing however could be controlled independently through the solenoid and power firing motors, i. e. either left or right carriage mechanisms. Stop firing mechanism (cutout) on left and right carriages operated independent of each other, i. e. one could fire while the other was stopped. The platform was an all-steel weldment, made of steel diamond plate, with a ladder rung on both sides of the rear, attached to the carriage to provide space for the loaders to stand and load the gun during continuous fire. A guard rail, forming the shape of the platform, made of 1 standard pipe and 38high, was also attached to the platform. Tool holders and tools that could be necessary during action were conveniently located to the loaders. It also supported the carriage chutes through which the empty cartridges were ejected on the deck in front of the mount. The cooling system was a complete unit for each gun. The tanks and pumps were mounted on the rear of the platform. The liquid tanks were set at platform floor level and the electric motor driven pumps were suspended beneath the platform. A supply and return pipe to the water jacket of each barrel was run along the main platform girder and corners of the carriage. Electric Hydraulic Control and Power Drive The Mark 5 power drive system was designated to automatically control the mount, eliminating the necessity of manually matching pointers to position the guns in train and elevation . The system was controlled by data signals from the A. A. director in AUTO and by data signal from the handle (Joystick) control in local. It was powered by electrical motors which drove the mount in train and the guns in elevation, through variable speed hydraulic transmission system (Waterbury Speed Gears). The B-end of the latter was controlled by a complicated system of electrical circuits which actuated a pilot valve and main piston. It could not be operated in power drive through the handwheel. The handwheels were for manual control only. (For a detailed description of the power drive Mark 5, see (OD 4408) ) All electrical circuits transmitting signals were controlled from the fire control station. Power circuits were controlled by switches located on the mount. The handwheels for both elevation and training gears were located conveniently in relation to the seats. Both seats were adjustable horizontally and vertically. Individual operators could set the seats for convenient operation of hand levers, sights and foot pedals. When operated in manual control the handwheels were direct connected to the elevating and training worms. The training gears ratio was 197 to 1 and the elevating gear ratio was 189 to 1. This means that for each revolution of the train handwheel the mount would move in train 10-52 and for each turn of the elevation handwheel the guns would move in elevation about two degrees. Each gun mechanism (pair of guns) had its own firing mechanism and stop firing mechanism mounted on the front face of its carriage. The firing mechanism was operated manually by one foot pedal operation for both gun mechanisms. There were two methods for firing: 1- Depressing the right foot pedal on the pointers side to the full movement of the pedal, approximately 36 degrees. 2- Depressing the right foot pedal a short distance with the motor running, through connecting the firing clutch for power firing. The firing cam controlled the stop firing mechanism whenever any part of the ships structure was in line of fire. (This applied only to permanent structure in secured position) Duties of members of Mount Crew: He had to be in complete command of the mount under the controlling officer. He was responsible for the pre-firing check-off and preparation of the mount for firing. He had to decide and declare when the mount was ready to open fire. He had to take station directly behind the guns (keeping well clear of the second loaders) from which point he had to observe for each gun: (a) The action of the recoil - if the recoil of any gun was too much or not enough, (normal recoil should record on the recoil indicator not less than 7.5 inches nor more than 8 inches in recoil length) proper adjustment had to be made by means of the throttling rod on the buffer. (b) The cause by systematic observation of any stoppages: First determining whether stoppage was caused by misfire or by faulty loading: This could be done by observing either by removing the bottom plate or by looking through the hole in the side of the slide. (Note: Never, under any circumstances the top cover plate could be opened.) If the breech block was up, it was probably a misfire and it had to be treated as such. If the breech block was down, it was the fault of improper loading and the projectile that should have fired, had to be located. The location of the projectile would generally indicate the cause of improper loading thus allowing the Captain to immediately ascertain the time required to correct the fault and either making the quick correction or declaring the gun out of commission so that fire may be resumed on the other guns. If a misfire occurred in action and repeated efforts to fire failed, the projectile had to be immediately removed and tossed over the side. If not in action, a period of five minutes had to elapse before removal of the projectile had to be attempted. He had to be constantly on the alert for dangers arising from firing, for vacated stations due to casualties and had to immediately fill those stations with personnel available. At the conclusion of an attack his first action had to be proper treatment and removal of the injured and the immediate preparation of his mount for future attacks. The minimum gun crew for the 40mm quad was 11 men, gun captain, pointer, trainer, four first loaders and four second loaders. The second loaders pass the clips of four rounds from the ready service racks to the first loader. The first loaders, one for each gun, load the clips into the loader assemblies. After the gun captain received his firing orders, he transmitted them to the pointer. USN photo submitted by Pieter Bakels.

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